🔥🤘Kauden päätös🤘🔥
Kausi päättyy Town Hill Centerillä lauantaina 26.10. klo 12-20.
Päättäjäispäivän ohjelma:
Huom. Kahvio ja lipunmyynti sulkeutuvat klo 18 (tila edelleen käytössä tämän jälkeenkin).
🤘 Ajetaan aamusta iltaan.
🤘 Night Ride -ilta-ajot valaistussa rinteessä klo 18 alkaen.
🤘 Hissi ilmainen klo 18 jälkeen.
🤘 Keskuksen grillikota vapaassa käytössä.
Night Ride:
Valaistut radat: Possujuna, Karhu, Korkkiruuvi, Freshcut, Wall Street, Crazy Frog, Sika ja Tua Noi.
Pyörät ja varusteet varattavissa normaalisti rental shop.
Hissit pyörii klo 12-20.
Tervetuloa viettämään kauden viimeistä ajopäivää kanssamme!💛
Trek Hope 💛 Pori
The Trek Hope 💛 Pori event will be held at Ruosniemi Town Hill Center on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
The lifts will be running FOR FREE for everyone during the event!
Additionally, Cyclin demo bikes, as well as Bike Park's rental bikes and gear, will be available FREE of charge throughout the event day (maximum usage time 1 hour per reservation, no advance bookings).
Here’s what you can look forward to:
- 10:30 AM – Mountain bike ride, approximately 2 hours (prior mountain biking experience recommended)
- 10:30 AM – Gravel ride, approximately 60 km (3 hours)
- 11:00 AM – Road cycling ride, an easy-paced ride (25-28 km/h, approximately 2 hours)
- 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM: "Introduction to the Bike Park" quick-course (duration approx. 30-45 min)
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Janne Kananoja's Jump School
- Trek and Bontrager apparel at unbeatable prices (proceeds go directly to the Trek Hope charity collection)
No advance registration is required for the rides. Bring your own bike, helmet, and any other gear you need.
Bike Park Introduction Quick Courses:
Maksutonta opastusta hissipyöräilyn perusteisiin ja ohjattua yhdessä ajamista rinteessä. Kurssi sopii hyvin ensikertalaisille. Osallistumiseen tarvitset mäkikelpoisen maastopyörän (ei jalkajarruja) ja leukasuojallisen ”full-face” kypärän. Varusteet voit varata paikanpäältä Bike Park kurssin aikaan. Kokoonnutaan kurssin alussa keskuksen kodan edustalla. Ajankohdat näet yllä olevasta ohjelmasta. Jos sinulla on omat varusteet, voit vain saapua paikalle. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, voit ottaa yhteyttä
Jump School:
Train jump techniques with Janne Kananoja's @palelele guidance. Sign up at the Cycli stand on the day of the event. Each group can accommodate six participants who must have prior jumping experience. The schedule is available in the program above. Not for beginners."
The lifts are open from 10 AM to 3 PM.
What is Trek Hope?
TThe Trek Hope campaign raises funds for Sylvä ry to support the organization's important work in helping children with cancer and their families.
You can already donate to Trek Hope HERE or by purchasing a wristband, which is available for sale at the Cyclin store.
Come and spend the most important cycling day of the year in great atmosphere.
Ruosniemi Bike Fest
16.8. - 18.8.2024
In mid-August, a three-day mountain biking event called "Ruosniemi Bike Fest" will be held at Town Hill Center.
What is "Ruosniemi Bike Fest?"
Ruosniemi Bike Fest is a three-day mountain biking event at Ruosniemi Town Hill Center from August 16th to 18th, 2024.
The lifts will run for free for everyone throughout the entire event weekend!
Lisäksi kaikki keskuksen vuokrapyörät ja varusteet ovat käytettävisssä maksutta koko tapahtuman ajan. Ohjelmassa on mm. kisailua Bike Parkin pumptrackillä ja rinteen radoilla, maksutonta opastusta hissipyöräilyn perusteisiin ja ohjattua yhdessä ajamista rinteessä, arvontoja, ”Night Ride” -ilta-ajot valaistussa rinteessä sekä perheen pienimmille pomppulinna.
The event is made possible by the City of Pori's "Rakkaudella porilaisille" well-being fund. Ruosniemi Bike Fest is one of the well-being fund projects for 2024.
Read more about the Rakkaudella porilaisille well-being fund here.
Attention! Schedule changes are still possible!
The lifts are open from 5 PM to 10 PM.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Quick introduction course to the Bike Park.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Pumptrack competition practice runs.
- 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Pumptrack competitions. Prizes will be awarded to the top performers.
- 8:15 PM - 8:30 PM: Awards ceremony for the pumptrack competitions.
- 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Night Ride evening sessions on the illuminated slope. Trails include Korkkiruuvi and Wall Street.
Pumptrack Competition:
If you want to participate, sign up for the competition at the Bike Park's pumptrack between 6 PM and 7 PM. The competition consists of two rounds. Round 1: The fastest time wins. Round 2: The smallest time difference between two runs wins. All competitors race in the same category. This is a low-threshold competition, suitable even for beginners. To participate, you need your own bike and helmet. You can reserve a bike and equipment for free during the competition from the rental shop.
The lifts are open from 12 PM to 5 PM.
- Klo 13 - 16 Kellotusta Bike Parkin radoilla. 3-4 rataa, max. 2 kisalaskua per rata, joista tuloksiin lasketaan parhaan laskun aika. Parhaat palkitaan.
- 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Quick introduction course to the Bike Park.
- 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Pop-Up wheel truing / AV-Pyörähuolto.
- 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM: Awards ceremony for the timed runs on the Bike Park trails.
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Group rides on the Bike Park trails. The center's own photographer will be present.
Bike Park Trail Timing Competition:
If you want to participate, sign up for the competition at the center's ticket office by Saturday at 1 PM at the latest. The competition will take place on 3-4 tracks, with a maximum of 2 race runs per track. The better time from each track will count towards the overall results. The participant with the lowest total time wins. There are two categories: General and Under 12. The competition will be held on the center's blue trails.
The lifts are open from 12 PM to 5 PM. Downhill competition day.
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: DH race course walk. The race course will be marked out in the terrain on Sunday morning.
- 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: DH race practice.
- 12:00 PM - 13:00 PM: Quick introduction course to the Bike Park.
- 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM: DH race runs. Each rider gets two runs, with the best run counting. Prizes will be awarded to the top performers.
- 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM: DH race awards ceremony.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Long jump competition at the second shark fin jump on the Tua Noi trail. Prizes will be awarded to the top performers.
- 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM: Long jump competition awards ceremony.
Downhill (DH) Competition:
If you want to participate, sign up for the competition at the center's ticket office by Sunday at 12:30 PM at the latest. The track will be open for free practice from 12 PM to 1:30 PM. Initially, there will be a timed qualification run to determine the starting order. The competition will consist of one race run, and the fastest time wins. There are two categories: General and Under 12. The competition will be held on a moderately difficult/red-level trail.
Long Jump Competition at Tua Noi Trail:
If you want to participate, sign up for the competition at the center's ticket office by Sunday at 3:30 PM at the latest. The competition will involve long jumps from the second shark fin jump on the Tua Noi trail. The rider who jumps the farthest wins. To participate, you must have strong riding experience on the center's black/difficult trails and gap jumps.
- The bouncy castle is available for free throughout the entire weekend.
- Bikes and equipment can be reserved in advance through the rental page or on-site, depending on availability. Note: the maximum rental period during the event is 2 hours. Rental is free of charge.
- The Bike Park trails will be open as usual during the competitions (except for the trails used in the DH race on Sunday).
- Successful competitors will be awarded Leatt and MucOff product prizes. The prizes will be distributed according to the schedule above, in front of the center's café.
- The café operates normally according to the event's hours.
Bike Park Introduction Quick Courses:
Maksutonta opastusta hissipyöräilyn perusteisiin ja ohjattua yhdessä ajamista rinteessä. Kurssi sopii hyvin ensikertalaisille. Osallistumiseen tarvitset mäkikelpoisen maastopyörän (ei jalkajarruja) ja leukasuojallisen ”full-face” kypärän. Voit myös varata maksutta pyörän, kypärän, muut varusteet rental shop during the Bike Park course. You can see the schedule above. If you have your own equipment, you can simply show up. We will gather in front of the Bike Park's cabin at the start of the course. If you have any questions, you can contact us at, and we will assist you with equipment rentals and other inquiries.
Welcome to spend a fun biking weekend with us!
Trailbuilding day
The Town Hill Center Trail Crew meets once a week, every Monday, to prepare for the upcoming 2024 season.
In spring, the agenda includes general maintenance work on the Bike Park, renovations of old tracks, improvements, and also the construction of entirely new lines. Towards late spring and early summer, the focus shifts to finishing work on the trails of the slopes. The agenda for the next build day will be updated on this page the week before the build day.
Viikkotalkoot on ”Dig ’n Ride” -tyyppinen tapahtuma, eli talkoiden jälkeen laitetaan hissit pyörimään ja ajetaan parkkia.
This is an open invitation for everyone to become a part of this awesome group! In the building days, you'll get great riding buddies, opportunities for personal growth, and a chance to influence trails construction, as the final specifications for trails are often decided on-site during the building phase.
You don't need your own tools or prior experience in trailbuilding to participate in the build days. Town Hill Center provides refreshments for volunteers. Everyone is welcome regardless of age or gender!