Would you like to join in supporting mountain biking in Pori?
Now you have the opportunity to join as a supporting member to contribute Ruosniemi Town Hill Centers development and construction work.
The supporting membership fee is a minimum of €25 per supporting member, and for companies and organizations, it's a minimum of €100. There is no upper limit for the supporting fee.
Kaikki kannatusjäsenmaksujen varat käytetään lyhentämättömänä Ruosniemi Town Hill Centerin kehitys -ja rakennuskuluihin. Alla olevasta taulukosta näet kannatusjäsenmaksujen tasot ja niihin liittyvät vastikkeet.
You can pay the supporting membership fee to the following account:
FI13 5700 8120 6122 75
Porin Slalomseura Ry
Message field for the payment:
Kannatusjäsenmaksu ja ”oma nimesi”.
Once you've made the payment, please provide your contact information via email
The email should mention the payer's name, phone number, and email address..
Please also mention in the email your T-shirt size and the T-shirt model if necessary. Through the link below, you can view different T-shirt options. T-shirts and stickers are picked up from the Ruosniemi ski resort. You can redeem your day pass during the summer at the Ruosniemi Town Hill Center by providing your name.
Each supporting member's name will be engraved on the supporting members' plaque, which will be displayed at the Ruosniemi Town Hill Center. If you wish to make a donation without receiving any benefits or do not want your name on the supporting members' plaque, please also inform us via email.
The collector of supporting membership fees and the maintainer of the supporting membership register operate under the mountain biking section of the Pori Slalomseura Ry, which is under the auspices of the Pori Slalomseura Ry.